94. Al-Inshirah. Verse 3 - which weighed so heavily on your back


Which weighed so heavily on your back. 

Since 2023 about March/April I started reading the Quran on the Quranly app.

My goal was read a verse and the English at the same time.

Only a week or so ago I matter to come to completion of the Quran from this objective I had. 

While in the gym, training legs, specifically the machine which deals with hamstrings, which is the one where you lye on the back. I take a rest and come across this verse.

Out of all the verses to come across, this is the one. The timing of Allah is at his choice.


ٱلَّذِىٓ أَنقَضَ ظَهْرَكَ ٣

which weighed so heavily on your back,

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

