
Long live the people of Palestine.

May Allah make them succeed.

This is the first time I have read the detailed version of the history of Palestine and how Jews acquired the land. Utterly disgusting forces that are the so called Zionists. Satanic behaviour, barbaric killings of our brothers and sisters from the 1900s all the way to today. Driving them out the land. Killing them. Torturing. Putting them in prison. The land was the land of the Palestinians (Majority Muslim little Christian).

What did I learn.

  • The importance of the Palestine Land
  • Al Aqsa
  • Al Buraq wall
  • The prophets
  • The back and forth of people in the land from Muslims to Crusades
  • The Palestinian occupation
  •  The zionist movement only wanting Palestine (openly saying it will be done in evil and greedy ways)
  • The zionist movement approved and supported by the British in the goverment when Arthur Balfour was the foreign secretary. Jews rejected zionism throughout the world
  • The incoming number of Jews and the big fight over the wailing wall where the Jews came with hostility and the blame was put on the Palestinians when the British checked
  • The slow and rapid influx of Jews incoming per year
  • Land said to be aquired by purchase and never sold back
  • Land taken by force
  • Jews constantly fighting the Palestinains all through a planned miliatry effort from the year 1947 (Nakba)
  • The attempt to take over Egypt and Lebanon from the Jews


Cowardly, disgusting takeover by the Zionists of land that was not theres.

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