As I Remove the Clutter

You remove the clutter from your home for the right reasons. 

To keep it clean for the sake of Allah. 

To be a good representative of Islam through cleanliness.

To prepare the home for the future of us as a family. 

I want to leave.

As we prepare to leave from one place to another to move for a "better life" for the remaining days we have left on this earth. 

We keep forgetting that our grave positions are known by Allah. Which graveyard, which slot, what coordinates.

As we prepare and clean our life up to enhance and prolong our youth, to move somewhere to feel better, to do better, the first home for a long period of time as it seems will be our grave.

We do our best in the Dunya. We have goals. Aspirations. Good intentions. All this is fine and it matters as well. But never forget, the simpler home may be around the corner from us. The Kabr (grave) is quite a simple one. Rectangular, soil, wood which will rot and us as individuals in simple wrapped cloth.

Allah decides my leave and I hope we die with Allah pleased with our efforts and deeds.

I only feel like having a house at this point in my life now but I realise time seems short. I am quite content. Clueless about the next position in life and where I will end up. You can never calculate anything. Someone dies unexpectedly. Falls ill unexpectedly. Who knows someone may go missing. Get imprisoned. We may lose money. Friends. Something always changes. We can only plan and try our best with the intentions all for the sake of Allah.
