Was it a figment of my imagination...
Breathing from the corners...breathing in the bed. I investigated for weeks, if not months, unconvinced there was anything supernatural...all seemed a figment of my imagination. I trialled and errored every night all possibilities of what it was...me being more away of my own breathing...me being more away of my lungs making movement on the bed.
Concluded there was something there. Where why how I won't know and I still don't know.
The start of the downward spiral. November 2002 even with my aunt sleeping on the floor of the room...I couldn't sleep. Never thought about sleeping before.
Insomnia destroyed me for 17 years at least. I coukd never sleep at night. Now I can.
One day Allah may make it apparent as to why and what and even who if there was a who involved.
Yawning in 2006 started while I was uni. Yawning accelerated in 2007. Only when concentrating on anything in relation to work I noticed. I began praying Salah in 2008 post Ramadhan. Never stopped since. Yawning and itching were a thing. Maybe Ayn struck me. Maybe a possessing Jinn decided to stay. And maybe...
Who, what, why, where, how. It doesn't matter. This was written for me, it's my test and I accept it.
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