Do you want to Swap? The Ultimate Moment Here

You want to swap Jannah for this life here in this dunya on planet earth?

Or do you want to swap this dunya for the life in Jannah?

Oh yes, the ultimate moment. The ultimate moment we wait and plan our lives out for. We plan for the day we have more money, to buy a house mortgage free, to have the nicest car, to eat great things, to be in great places, to have great moments, the ultimate moment?!

How much time do you have left. I'm 33. Soon my youth will probably leave me. The things I wanted to enjoy won't really be enjoyable no longer. I'm not kidding, I want all those things here in the Dunya as well, but if I had a chance would I swap infinite pleasure and happiness of Jannah for this life? NOPE.

When its all said and done, hard work was good work, but don't bank on this life being it for you, we need to come down to reality. We will exit this world faster than we could even blink.

I have been hearing much of these success stories, the common theme of what people who are supposedly successful are, that you should work hard, don't worry about other people. They are right, time is not to be played around with, hard work should be the key to success no matter how many times you fall right?

My answer to that is, hard work will only pay off when it is in your decree in this dunya. Allah determines your success, not you. 

My dad told me 18 years ago, life is a flash, 4 years after he passed away. It hits me now, he was right, words from a wise man, who actually lived, provided, done for me and my family, took care of his mother and father, a great husband, a man that everybody loved, but all that, in the end, its going to be a blink of an eye and you will be ready to die. 
