Shaytan's Khutba on the Day of Judgement

Time to read: 3.5 minutes.

The Shaytan will give a Khutba on the DOJ.

Before that happens, Allah is warning us to take heed, benefit from the Khutba before it takes place on that day. We will hear a sermon from the worst of the worst.

The weak will say, we only followed you (talking to the leaders or people who led them astray). They will ask if they can be saved from the punishment. They will be asked if they can take a portion or share of the punishment. The leaders will say it is not our fault. When the leaders reject any blame, people will turn to Shaytan. People will turn to Iblis. Iblis will stand up to give the Khutba.

These reports are from the early scholars. All of the people that will go to Jahannam will listen to this Khutba. The people will see the reality of whats taking place (people being dragged to Jahannam).

Shaytan said he told you to follow him and then promised them a good life in the world. Shaytan will admit he lied. He said, don't blame me, blame yourselves. I did not have any power of you or force. I did not over take you. I only had one art, the art of deception.

He will say at the end. Now, I cut off all ties with all the shirk you have done with me? The worship people have done towards Iblis are that they followed him, worshipped him and were obedient to him. This is a form of Shirk. He will say I have admitted I have lied, what difference does blaming me make now.

Ibn Al Qayyim has written much about the wisdom in why Allah has created Iblis.The story of Adam is that Iblis has lied by telling Adam that he will live forever if he eats from the tree. Iblis acknowledges Allah as his Rabb, he makes a Dua to Allah. He said "Oh my Rabb, I will sit on the Sirat ul Mustaqeem, I will block them, and attack them from every angle, from the back from the left and the right and block them from entering the Sirat (Sirat ul Mustaqeem) and most of your followers will not be thankful to you". Iblis is a manifestation of Allah's power, he as made the best of the best and he has even created the worst.

What is the difference between Shaytan and Iblis. Shaytan is an entity that will lead you astray, away from the Sirat ul Mustaqeem (human and Jinn).

People can become Shaytaan by inviting others to evil. Jinns are also Shaytan if they are evil.

The prophet Muhammad SAW and some of the army missed Fajr because Shaytan caused them to oversleep.

The tactic of the Shaytan is to whisper in our heart, evil and diversion.The deadliest tactic is to break up the Ummah and caused disunity.

How do we protect ourselves from Shaytan is to have Ihklas, to have sincerity. We should constantly do good things especially in private (ibaadah, dhikr, remembrance, charity, good works). The Shaytan does not have power over people who have Ihklas. Anytime you feel the whispering of the Shaytan, seek refuge in Allah (Aaothoo billah...). Shaytan runs away from the house where Surah Baqarah is recited as the prophet Muhammad SAW said. If something happens that is bad, don't blame Shaytan, just say Bismillah, don't give power to the Shaytan, you will lower his ego. There was a story of a woman on a camel (hadith - Sunan al Tirmidhi) when she was on her camel and the camel reared backwards and she cursed Shaytan. The Prophet Muhammad SAW advised not to give Shaytan an increase in ego, he said say Bismillah instead.

The prophet Muhammad SAW said to do the Dikhr as its protection from the Shaytaan. We should always be in the company of righteous people.

Taken from a YouTube video (Merciful Servant). Lecture from Yasir Qadhi.
