Seriousness of the Ummah

The conflict which has affected our brothers and sister in Gaza and Palestine for this year 2014 is heartbreaking. To see a father not wanting leave his dead son's is heartbreaking. When you replace these dead people and replace them with your loved ones like your mother, father, brother, sister, daughter, son etc, the question is how serious would it make you feel then about the problem.

There is a lot going on in terms of charities to helping these people. But what is our long term solution or assist in this situation. I'll ask ourselves the following questions:

1. Why does this conflict exist.
2. How did it start.
3. Why are our Muslim leaders so weak.
4. What is the right way to defeat the enemy.
5. As an Ummah how should be respond practically across the world and not just in demonstrations and fancy articles and public speeches.
6. Are we taking the Deen seriously ourselves enough to realise the importance of our brothers and sisters.

There is much research I need to do to make myself equipped with the political knowledge to stand firm and keeping up with the problems of our Ummah. We feel hopeless as we are not even sure what can do other than give food and money.

May Allah bless the Muslims in this crisis.
